Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 24/02/2024

Hello. I mostly post art and whatever I create and share on Gumroad. I am also a web developer, so I want to make sure my page is easy to navigate, performs well, and generally makes sense. To do so, I needed some data collection tool and opted for Vercel Analytics to make sure I do not use cookies and collect as little as possible in the most anonymous way possible, for example, just based on how many times the server sends a specific page. But I still need a privacy policy because it is good practice. So:

Collection of Information

I use Vercel Analytics, a tool designed with privacy in mind, to collect anonymized data about how visitors interact with my website. This includes information such as page views, interaction times, and browser types, all collected without tracking personal details or identifying individual visitors. The purpose of this data collection, based on my legitimate interest, is to enhance website usability and performance.

Your Rights and Anonymized Data

The GDPR provides individuals with certain rights regarding their personal data, including the right to access, correct, and delete their data, among others. It is important to note that the data collected via Vercel Analytics is anonymized and does not allow for personal identification. As such, the traditional GDPR rights related to identifiable personal data may not directly apply in this context. However, should you have any concerns or questions about the data handling practices on my website, despite its anonymized nature, I encourage you to reach out. I am committed to transparency and am here to address any inquiries.

Use of Third-party Services

For transactions, my website links to Gumroad, a separate platform where my products are available for purchase. When you engage in transactions on Gumroad, the data you provide, including personal and payment information, is handled in accordance with Gumroads privacy policy. I do not have access to this information, nor do I process it. It is important to note that once you leave my website to enter Gumroad, you are subject to Gumroads terms and privacy policy. I encourage you to review Gumroads Privacy Policy for detailed information on how they manage your personal and payment information.

Transaction Data and Privacy

Please be aware that your engagement with Gumroad and any data you provide there are managed under Gumroads privacy practices, which are distinct from those of my website. I encourage a review of Gumroads Privacy Policy for comprehensive details on their data handling.

Data Handling by Vercel Analytics

As the data collection through Vercel Analytics is managed externally, the specifics of data processing and retention are governed by Vercel policies. For details on how Vercel manages and retains the data collected, please refer to Vercels Privacy Policy. My usage of Vercel Analytics aims to improve website performance and user experience, relying on anonymized data without personal identification.

Changes to This Policy

I reserve the right to update this privacy policy to reflect changes in my practices, website features, or legal obligations. Any changes will be posted here with a new revision date. Rest assured, changes would only be made in response to legal requirements or significant service changes.

Contacting Me

For any privacy-related questions or if you have concerns about how data is handled on my website, please feel free to contact me at